Saturday, April 30, 2011

2 Day Diet

The 2 Day Diet Slimming Formula, also known as the 2 Day Diet Japan Lingzhi Slimming Formula has become one of the most popular weight loss product in the United States and all around the world.

2 Day Diet is a weight loss product that has been very successful for many people in our community. 2 Day Diet mainly eliminate fat and reduce the overall body weight in just a few weeks. In addition, 2 Day Diet also boost your metabolism and controls your appetite. Its formula is so effective that it can also reduce fat from the most difficult parts in your body such as the belly, arms, thighs, and hips.

When taking 2 Day Diet, it is highly recommended to follow a healthy and balanced diet, as well as an exercising routine since it will help you maximize your weight loss and get faster results.


Lingzhi (0.3g) - accelerates the decomposition of neutral fat.
Ginseng (0.05g) - enriches blood and rich in iron.
Semen Cassiae (0.05g) - eliminates rubbish and toxin.
Dark Plums (0.02g) - burns surplus fat in waist, legs, and abdomen.
Fox-Nut (0.02g) - Detains diarrhea and strengthen the kidney.
Malt (0.02g) - Eliminates lump and promotes digestion.
Yam (0.02g) - Supplements qi and nourish yin.
Semen Pruni (0.01g) - Removes swelling, relaxes intestines.
Tuckahoe (0.01g) - Clears damp and promotes diuresis. 


Take one (1) capsule every day before breakfast. If not satisfied after 3 days, then take two (2) capsules every day before breakfast. Always start off taking the minimum. 

2 Day Diet is generally not recommended for long term use. It is designed for rapid weight loss and to assist you on your progress.




Take into account that every person will have different responds while consuming 2 Day Diet. Please read the warnings and concerns about this product. Also, keep in mind that some risks might appeared when relying on weight loss products. Here are some suggestions on how to reduce risks:
  • Consult with your doctor about this product to find out if it is safe for you to take it, based on your health. 
  • Do NOT consume this product if you are pregnant, breastfeeding your child or have certain health conditions, such as heart disease or high blood pressure.
  • Carefully read and follow instructions to make sure you are consuming the right doses.
  • Purchase the product from a reliable source.
For stories and reviews from 2 Day Diet users click here.

 OR CALL 1-800-822-9188

1 comment:

  1. Trying to purchase products from here but no where to purchase or have prices. Interested in 2 day japan lingzhi and the 2day japan lingzhi detox tea
